Links We Love
Pittsburgh Piano Tunining -- Get your piano tuned by the best! At reasonable rates. Anywhere in western PA. Give this guy a try - you'll like his work.Ralan's Webstravaganza -- a roundup of information equally vital to readers and writers; which publications accept what, what they pay, who's still alive and who isn't, etc. Whatever you need or want to know, it's probably there.
Useless Animal Farm Sanctuary. This is our all-time favorite animal site. Useless animals? These folks report that their animals are "good for nothing but love." They rescue farm animals as well as dogs and cats, and that love has saved countless animal lives. For example, they rescued a starving dog tied to a tree with an _18-inch_ rope. Water bowl just out of reach. See the before-and-after photos -- real love in action. How about sending them a donation, okay? For sure, it will go to a good purpose.
Anotherealm, one of the Internet's tip-top science-fiction, fantasy and horror zines. You'll find a lot of great writing there, plus all the hints and tips for writers (see left-hand column on cover page) you'll ever need. Don't miss this one - it's a winner.
Duotrope, a place to find markets for your writing, keep track of what you've sent out, and check out other interesting-to-writers information.
GateWay,a high-quality science-fiction and fantasy zine. This URL is for the online version. It also has a print version. Both are distinguished by a Christian orientation.NOTE: This fine zine is now on hiatus.We are hoping the hiatus will be a short one.
Baryon-online.One of the top review zines for science-fiction and fantasy. If you want to know what's new, good (and what's not) this is the place to learn.
Storybytes, one of the most unusual e-zines on the net. Stories here are "to the power of two," meaning they contain two words, or four words, or eight words, or 16 words, or 32 words, etc. - you get the idea. A story in two words? Yes, it can be done, and with a flourish. This one you will probably have to see to believe.
Index of Online Fiction. This site is unique. It hot-links you to the best stories from the best e-zines; then, you get to vote on which are the best of the best. This is a great source of feedback for authors, and it keeps you updated on the new and good e-zines -- don't miss it!
Writer's Nook and Reader's Corner. This site is just what it sounds like -- a fun, get-together place for writers and readers. Cliche though this is, it really does offer something for everyone. Check it out!
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