WHORTLEBERRY PRESS STYLEBOOKQ. What is a stylebook? A. A style book is a collection of information that sets out how a variety of language choices should be made in this realm.
MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION--Please send manuscripts to jean.goldstrom@earthlink.net --PLEASE PUT YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS AT THE UPPER LEFT CORNER OF YOUR MANUSCRIPT. --PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME ON YOUR MANUSCRIPT. -- Add the secret words found at the end of this Stylebook (so we will know you read it.) -- Word count: 3000 words. (Yes, it used to be 5000, but we see people reading shorter stories.) --Please re-read your story before you send it. You would be surprised at the number of stories rejected because of too many typos, indicating no one read it before sending it. --Please do NOT double space. Single spacing is quite satisfactory. --Please add your 50-100 word author bio at the end of your story. NUMERALS-- We spell out one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine and ten. Everything after that is numerals. -- When referencing time, say 3:00 p.m. (or a.m., as the case may be.) Or 3:20, etc. Do not spell out numerals.(As in three o'clock -- please don't do it that way.) THOSE THREE X'S FOUND AT THE END OF WHORTLEBERRY STORIES--This is a holdover, and a handy one, IMO, from your editor's newspaper days. That was where I learned to indicate the end of a story with this mark "x-x-x." Some people write "30" at the end of their story, but that is because they don't know that x-x-x means "30" in Roman numerals. Congratulations on your completion of reading our Style Book. It is your first step toward getting your story published. The second step is the inclusion in your cover letter of our two Secret Words. They are: Cordwainer Smith. Thanks for your interest. We will now read your story with our very best attention. x-x-x
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